Az Armpiten nemrég egy Alexander G. Bell nevű felhasználó jó sok infót közölt a chaten, amelyek elég érdekesek.
Most gondolnátok, hogy mit érdekel titeket, hogy egy no-name fickó ír valamit? A helyzet azonban az, hogy az Armpit admin szektorban többször nyomozgattunk e fickó körül, mert ritkán ír, de akkor elég insidereseket és a legtöbb retroperspektívában stimmeltek. Illetve az IP cím alapján is a nyomok valahogy mindig Fredhez vezettek (Kalifornia, vagy turnén). Hogy ez most tényleg Fred alteregója, azt nem tudni biztosan, de elég erős a gyanú, hogy köze van a bandához.
The album is done, vocals are 50% finished
- A new song will be released 'sooner than you think'
- The album is 3DBY mixed with SO, with the usual types of lyrics you'd expect from Fred
- The album is 'mixed with heavier stuff like 3DB with mellow breakdowns'
- The album was written and recorded in less than 2 months. It's apparently 'real raw, groovy and bouncy.'
- Wes is working on the artwork, Fred on the vocals, but he has many versions of every song since he 'never settles'
- Ready to Go 'maybe next month,' but most likely March or April
- There are two versions of Ready To Go, just like 'Rollin'
- No guests on the album except the singer of Psycho Dalek
- The band is doing okay, but Fred and Wes get along the most, the others are 'just there'
- The band shot a bunch of videos, but they've been shelved. Everything old from the band has been shelved.
- All members of the band are in it for the money, but that doesn't mean that they do it just for the money
- Money is their motivation though. It's 'a job.'
- As long as Europe, UK and Russia keep buying tickets, LB will play there every year
- An US run would mean a few festival dates and maybe a couple of East Coast shows
- 5BAM is their new management. 'New management will be better for fans and long term for the band.'
- New management has turned LB into 'a major force'
- TUTp2 will not come out
- The song with The Game was decent but didn't fit in
- The band will be doing 'more with social networking' and will have new merch