Nem semmi történet. Egy kanadai srác, aki éppen Los Angelesben nyaralt, olvasta Fred twitter üzenetét, miszerint Sammel vacsorázik egy helyen. Hát odahajtott menyasszonyával és ők is megvacsoráztak. Nem akartak udvariatlanok lenni, megvárták, míg befejezik és akkor röviden odament. Lényeg a lényeg, Fred aláírta a karját és rögtön azután elment tetoválószalonba ;) Itt a teljes sztori
So.... Fred posted on twitter that him and Sam were eating dinner in Hollywood at this Japanese bbq place, i saw that 2min after he posted, and told my fiancee, and she immediatly said she always wanted to go there and we went... I get there, see Sam and Fred eating there with their wives and Dallas, i dont bug them. I eat dinner with my fiancee and friend, we're having fun. Im freaking out a little bit inside, having never met Fred, but having talked to him and Sam on the phone when their phone numbers leaked. While i was eating, i was paying attention to see when they were leaving, so I could catch a quick word with Fred and just say how much of a fan I am. So they are leaving, I get up... my fiancee hands me a sharpie to get his autograph, we get outside and he is on the phone, i say "wow, Fred", he turns around and I shake his hand, he says to the person he is talking to on the phone "one sec".... and he notices im wearing my Faith No More shirt and slaps me on the chest and says "I saw that show too!" all excited like, I said "yeah, they're amazing", I told him how I was from Vancouver and we talked on the phone and he remembered that,and I told him I went to the Vegas show, and he said "oh you were at the free show? thats awesome", he was genuinley stoked and happy. I asked him if he could sign my arm, cause I had nothing on me to sign, he was like "thats gonna wear off", Dallas then walked up to us, and I met him, Fred started saying how tired Dallas was. My mind is all jumbled right now, but it was amazing, we talked shortly after all that for a bit, he said he lived in the hills, when my girl said she lived in North Hollywood. He was the nicest celebrity Ive ever met,and when he started to walk away, I said "i hope the recording went well last week", and he said back "its rockin dude!" and his eyes lit up when he was saying that. Sam was a few feet away having a smoke during all this. So after I got the sig on my arm, I finished dinner then went right to my tattoo joint and got it inked on me for life... This post may sound like a bunch of random stuff, but it seriously was one of the best days of my life ever... He couldnt have been nicer and seemed so genuinely happy to see a fan.
Fred üzent neki twitteren is
you did it!! You really did it. Wow. Hope it didn't hurt too much.