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Lethal időközben elfoglalja magát
2012.07.25. 19:16
Saját új youtube csatornájára feltöltött egy több mint 10 perces remixet mindenféle beatből. Van közte sok piszok hangulatos is, azt kell mondjam
Címkék: dj lethal
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Gondolatolvasós játék
2012.07.16. 20:15
Vajon mit gondolhatott Fred a 78. perc 23. másodpercénél?
Az én tippem: -Remélem még nem töröltem Lee számát
Címkék: élő ökörködés
6 komment
Lee Bizkit hiányában mással nyomul
2012.07.11. 05:48
Jelen esetben Shifty-vel, a Crazy Town énekesével :(
Címkék: dj lethal
9 komment
Lethal kipakol
2012.07.07. 07:52
Valószínüleg olvashatta Wes üzeneteit (többek között nekem is válaszolt) és csúnyán belekezdett egy kitálalásba, ahol többek között pénzéhséggel vádolja a többi tagot.
Úgy látszik most már végképp annyi, szóval ezekkel már igazából nincs min ártania...Max beperelhetik :P De nem, ezt nem jó olvasni...
-I actually am so over it. It's not funny. Good luck. I wish you guys the best.
-In life never sacrifice your dignity for a $. I was successful before lb and will continue to live my life on -ómy terms. Thanks all the fans!
-Truth hurts. Wes quit how many times? When I had 10 guys sleeping in my living room and begged the band to bring Wes back.
-Also they never even had the courtesy to sit down face to face and talk things out. And after 17 years of being me there's a problem?
-I never missed one show,was there through thick and thin. Gave my heart and soul to the band. I'm just man enough to stand up for myself.
-Don't get it twisted the truth will prevail!! I'm just intrigued how some people can just disown family Lots more to the story my friends.
-How can people expect me to live my life waiting on fred durst? He takes all the credit. Steals money. I made "why try" and "bring it back"
-Thank you for all the people that supported me on lb. at one time it was a band. We were team. Then it became the fred first show.
-And since the guys were running low on money Wes told me to hold on my feelings so he can pay his mortgage. So sad.
-Fred durst got paid 1.6 million $ for the "free napster tour" free my ass.I paid out of my own pocket to do that tour.
#lost respect-So all you people passing judgement on me. Go fk your self. That job will be left to GOD. Otherwise. Love and respect
-Ok. I've moved on. Please feel free to unfollow if you want. I'm a genuine honest person. At this point in my life I'm living it "MY WAY"
-I was totally chillin until Wes had to open his mouth talking down to fans about a twittation a fan made,so rude.
-And after 17 years at least sitting down and talking face to face like real men didn't happen. That's some pussy ass shit.It's all abt the $
-I do appreciate all the good times and there was many. I love my friends and fans and owe my life to you. Thank you to my real friends-YOU
-Last comment. Fake friends suck. We been through so much and I was genuine. Whole new meaning to "counterfeit" You should be ashamed.
-I'm not going to put these guys down. At one time they were cool and things were great. I'm not on a hate mission. $ makes people desperate
-A real man looks another man in the eyes and confronts the the issues. Obviously fred didn't have the balls to look me in the eyes and talk.
-Thanks for the support,I couldn't fake the funk anymore. Stay true to your heart no matter what and never let anyone tell u how to live
-I'm gonna throw up. I already moved on til Wes made that statement Even though he got fired before they came to my house and quit 2 times.
@Rbons05:@djlethal Yo Lethal.. Wtf is goin on here?!?!.. LB needs to get back tigether”< apparently the "real" lb is with dj skelewhore-“
@Majano:@djlethal@Rbons05 WTF!?... Did Franko betrayed you too!??. I think hes only doing his job...”<his job was to set my stuff up-“
@Mahogany_Maniac:@djlethal So, LB is breaking up? :/”> no just I'm not part of it anymore. They got a dj who can't dj. Dj skelewhore.-“
@GamerJunkdotNet:@djlethal how much work did you do on the 2 new albums Limp Bizkit is working on?< 0 fred took all control of everything-“
@TheReal_TrueMe:@djlethal When the cd with limp Bizkit and lil Wayne come out man can't wait”< cool man. It should be out.in 20 years ha
Címkék: dj lethal
4 komment
Wes Lethalről
2012.07.06. 14:20
Valaki írt Wesnek, hogy az emberek örülnének Lethal viszatérésének, erre Wes azt írta, hogy érdekes, mert az egész turné alatt egy tábla nem volt erről. Íme a párbeszédük (amit ha jól látom időközben Wes le is törölt.
@wesborland People didn't bring signs to the shows on the European tour because they were probably afraid Fred would kick them out
@Luv4LB Sorry. No. Not going to happen. Thanks for your support, but that's a wrap. We started without him and we'll end without him.@Luv4LB And nobody thought they would get kicked out for signs. That's absolutely insane.Amúgy szerintem rohadtul nem abszurd gondolat, hogy Fred emiatt el kezd hisztizni koncert közben...
@wesborland But LB also started without you. Rob Waters was the original guitarist. I think you should give Lethal a second chance.@Luv4LB Dude. Just fucking be glad the four of us are together and don't trouble yourself with the inner workings of the band.@Luv4LB And Rob Waters is irrelevant. No songs that you know we're written before I was a member. Chill out.@Luv4LB We've given Lee 1000 chances. Stop. Just stop. You don't have a clue about anything. Please just stop. Because I am right now.@wesborland I know the songs on Mental Aqueducts were written before you were in the band. I'm not angry at all.
@Luv4LB as I said. I'm done. My last reply to this topic. Lethal is out.
Azt hiszem , erről ennyit... Valahogy viszont nekem Lethal még mindig az ötödik ember és az is marad. Wes is hányszor kinn volt már tartósan, erre tessék. Ő írkál ilyeneket másoknak
Címkék: wes dj lethal
10 komment
2012.06.26. 13:36
Ha lehet hinni Fred és Wes twitter üzeteiknek, hamarosan egy este fellép a Black Light Burns és később a Limp Bizkit is. A kettő között lesz még más banda, szóval Wes addig kicsit kifújhatja magát
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Készül az új klip
2012.06.21. 06:44
A "Bring it Back"-hez készül az új videó, amelyet az amsterdami koncert során rögzítettek 2+1 kamerával. Hogy legyen miből vágni, összesen háromszor (!) adták elő a fellépésen. Remélem nem volt ott olyan, aki utálja azt a dalt :P
Szar mondjuk, hogy Lethal nélkül készül egy ilyen :(
Addig is egy kis Nookie
01. The Truth
02. Gold Cobra
03. Bring It Back
04. Bring It Back
05. Bring It Back
06. My Generation
07. Livin' It Up
08. A Lesson Learned
09. Douche Bag
10. 9 Teen 90 Nine
11. My Way
12. Just Like This
13. It'll Be OK
14. Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana cover)
15. Break Stuff
16. Take A Look Around
17. Nookie
18. Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)
Címkék: hír
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Az Insane Clown Posse beszél Freddel felvett dalukról
2012.06.19. 19:25
Hááttt...Várjuk ki a végét. Mondjuk annál a Middle Fingernél csak nem lehet rosszabb