Valaki írt Wesnek, hogy az emberek örülnének Lethal viszatérésének, erre Wes azt írta, hogy érdekes, mert az egész turné alatt egy tábla nem volt erről. Íme a párbeszédük (amit ha jól látom időközben Wes le is törölt.
@wesborland People didn't bring signs to the shows on the European tour because they were probably afraid Fred would kick them out
@Luv4LB Sorry. No. Not going to happen. Thanks for your support, but that's a wrap. We started without him and we'll end without him.
@Luv4LB And nobody thought they would get kicked out for signs. That's absolutely insane.Amúgy szerintem rohadtul nem abszurd gondolat, hogy Fred emiatt el kezd hisztizni koncert közben...
@wesborland But LB also started without you. Rob Waters was the original guitarist. I think you should give Lethal a second chance.
@Luv4LB Dude. Just fucking be glad the four of us are together and don't trouble yourself with the inner workings of the band.
@Luv4LB And Rob Waters is irrelevant. No songs that you know we're written before I was a member. Chill out.
@Luv4LB We've given Lee 1000 chances. Stop. Just stop. You don't have a clue about anything. Please just stop. Because I am right now.
@wesborland I know the songs on Mental Aqueducts were written before you were in the band. I'm not angry at all.
@Luv4LB as I said. I'm done. My last reply to this topic. Lethal is out.
Azt hiszem , erről ennyit... Valahogy viszont nekem Lethal még mindig az ötödik ember és az is marad. Wes is hányszor kinn volt már tartósan, erre tessék. Ő írkál ilyeneket másoknak